20 Dec


The planet is reeling from intense energies entering our atmosphere from strong solar winds, .  It is the climax of the last nine years, bringing many cycles, situations, and relationships to a close.  Geomagnetic storms have been prevalent the last weeks, driving  our evolution to a higher consciousness and rattling the planet with huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Those who already live a higher frequency may just experience that time is racing and things are hectic, while those who hold a lower frequency may be anxious, stressed and find life challenging.

The answer to everything is love – nuclear love!  More people expressing themselves through love, will stabilize and harmonize the planet.  And this includes loving everyone, not just the cute and cuddly.  Love all political parties, all religions, cultures and even those we would rather hate, like murderers, terrorists, pedophiles and others.  They are part of the whole, so they must be recognized and integrated.

Is that easy? No, but it is the only way.  Try it starting as soon as you finish reading this post.  Make it your priority each and every day, each and every moment – be in the moment and don’t be drawn into constant monitoring of your cel phone. Just be.  Give it a try.  Use your breath more.  Take deep powerful breaths and connect with who you really are.  When was the last time you did that?  Never?  It’s time.  The ramped up energies are calling for you to be present.  Tomorrow the Winter Solstice in my hemisphere and the Summer Solstice from down under is when our Sun conjuncts our Galactic Center in the Milky Way.  Our solar system is traversing far flung parts of our galaxy increasing the photonic light coming into the planet.  It’s not a coincidence, it’s part of our evolution into beings of light with a higher and brighter vibration.  Some of you know exactly what I am saying and have been experiencing tremendous flow and transformation in your lives.  Others are just now sensing the changes.

In a time when politics have been so divisive and Aleppo is being blown to smithereens and it’s population annihilated, you must be love.  It would be great if you could send donations to help the refugees survive, but it is more important for you to love them, send them love and light throughout the day, send them prayers whenever you are stopped at a stoplight or your cel rings.  Quantum physics says where thoughts go, energy flows.  Flow the energy to the suffering.  Flow energy to our politicians  that they use wisdom and love to govern.  Hold the ideal of a peaceful planet in your mind. Send love and miracles will happen.  So simple, yet not so easy to accomplish.  If a large portion of the population did it, the world would change.  But we must be the love.  Talk about it at your holiday celebrations.  Sure, your family might think you’ve gone mad, but that’s the place where miracles begin, where people stop believing that the world is flat.  So, go on, be a radical.  Start letting people know that love is the answer.  Do not be drawn into hostility and doom and gloom.

There are so many lightworkers on the planet right now, praying and lighting the way. carlos-santana You just don’t know they are here.  And you can be one of them.  Just let love guide your heart in everything you do.  Make a conscious effort to be LOVE and you will start to see miracles in your own life.  They start out as small surprises.  The more you become love and shine light from source, the bigger the miracles in your life will be and you won’t consider being any different.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays.  Connect with your loving core and share it freely and you will bring in a New Year flowing with transformation.  If you resonate with this message, please share.

My book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES is available on Amazon and I do natal charts which provide guidance and insight to the energies present in your life and how to be proactive rather than reactive.  Contact me at .  Many bright blessings to all.  Don’t forget to



20 Jun


Intense energies continue to buffet the planet.  The Full Moon and Summer Solstice occur on the same day, June 20, the first time in decades.  The tremendous energy calls for us to let go –  let go of the past, let go of that which no longer serves us.  What no longer serves us can be many things,  like addictions, habits, grudges and beliefs, which are only that, beliefs.  It can include jobs, possessions and relationships.  It might be something that has been simmering at the bottom of your consciousness for quite some time,  that you finally need to resolve.

The answer to everything happening in the world right now is Love.  I find it so important I need to capitalize it.  It is what I said in my book and what I blog about.  Love is the tremendous force which will transform the planet.   We need to recognize the frequencies coming into the planet,  embody them and help to ground them into the planet’s energetic field and into our lives.

Have you felt the twists and turns in time?  Sometimes minutes fly by and other times they pass so slowly.   Countless phenomena have filled our days, but we are unaware due to busy lives and the media’s tendency to hide anything outside the norm.  There are close to 1500 active volcanoes right now,  many located around the Pacific in the Ring of Fire.  Six corporations control 90% of the media in the United States and they control what you know and when you know it.  There was a 7.0 earthquake in the North Pacific yesterday, did you hear about it? There is an increase in both quantity and magnitude of seismic activity.  Solar flare activity at the beginning of the year was strong and now the sun has quieted down to almost no activity, except the solar winds which continue to impact the planet.  Einstein recognized that cosmic phenomena affect us.  They affect our brain, nervous system and cells.  They fuel our evolution in becoming light beings filled with love. Our DNA is made up of light that is below our range of perception, but it is there nonetheless.  Just recently I read that at the moment of conception, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, there is a spark of light.  That says it all.

We are all affected by the unseen energy.  Individuals who are unstable may be pushed to act in desperate ways due to the powerful energies coming in.  For others,  life may move at a chaotic pace.  There will be those who thrive on the energy and use it to accelerate change in their lives. Where do you fit in?  What is important is to be aware of the energy and light.  Quantum physics has proved that  thoughts create reality.  So many chalk it up to new age baloney, but it’s not.  Take a course in quantum physics or do some reading and you will be amazed at the continued findings of physicists about life and our world.  The fact that they are using the Hadron Collider to look for the God particle should erase any doubt you may have about energy.  Almost daily there are reports that scientists believe there are parallel universes and that our reality may be a huge hologram.

Does it make any difference to our lives?  No.  Does it make a difference to how we live our lives?  Yes.  Quite simply, it lays responsibility at our doorstep for the future of our planet.  Apart from needing to be caretakers of our beloved planet, we need to absorb the energy entering the planet and use it to create the reality we want.  It’s like algebra, if A = B, and B = C, then A = C.  If you believe that our thoughts affect outcome, and that change needs to happen, then our thoughts can affect that change.

Who can deny after the horrific events in Orlando last week and other points around the globe that we need change on our planet?  Love is the key.  Love is the manifestation of the light and energy coming into the planet.  You were born to be a part of this – anyone here right now has a part to play, even if it is just sending love, light and prayers on a daily basis to everyone on the planet.  It  sounds too easy, but it is the way.  There are so many studies proving that mass meditations affect reality.  So if nothing else, meditate for at least five minutes a day and try to go on from there.  Clear your mind and breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth, slowly, deeply, until you feel you have touched your core being and then imagine you are taking in the love and light impacting the planet through your star chakra, about six inches above the top of your head.  Imagine the light filling every cell of your body until you are glowing and carry that with you throughout your day and imagine you leave traces of that beautiful light wherever you go and with anyone you meet.  Use it, play with it, send it to ISIS, send it to Syria, send it to politicians.  But do it!  It’s free, quick and easy and the more you do it, the more it will be your way of being.

The powers that want war and grief to remain our constant know that we can change reality.  They fight it by that 90% media control absorbing our minds with nonsense or violence.  If most people on the planet just turned to meditation, visualization, prayer and working with the light, change would be instant and profound.  So give it a whirl.  You can do it at your desk or in Chili’s.  It only takes minutes, even moments and no one has to know you are doing it.  You can do it with your eyes open,  in case you aren’t yet comfortable with your role as a spiritual being.  Because that’s what you are!!  Not a body with a soul, but a big, beautiful, bright soul filled with love that has a tiny part squashed into a very limited body.  Think big!  Remember who you really are!  And use your love to change the world. energy

My book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES, is a crash course to the shift in consciousness, available at Amazon.  I do natal charts with transits and progressions to assist you to navigate the energies present in your life so you can be proactive, rather than reactive. I can phone anywhere in the world for your reading   Contact me at  Bright blessings to all, embody the love and remember to



8 Dec

love your enemiesHeavy solar winds have been buffeting the planet.  As Albert Einstein recognized so long ago, that energy affects the planet and humanity, pushing our species to an evolution in consciousness.  We were never meant to stay at this level.  We are meant to hold the tremendous amount of light coming into the earth from our galactic center.  If you doubt that energy is coming from the core of our galaxy, read the NASA webpage.  That energy stirs our hearts and minds even though we might not feel it.  It explains the chaos and a world gone mad.  It’s making the holy and true shine, while it blackens the dark.  It’s like Lord of the Rings or whatever other tale of the battle between good and evil.

We all participate whether we know it or not.  Quantum physics says that we create our own reality, almost as a matrix, and every thought, word, action affects the whole of humanity.  Get enough people loving and transformation is effortless.  Ignore the world, and negativity and hate proliferate.  Look at the horrific mass killings around the globe.  That energy needs to be balanced by great love.  That’s where we come in.  Every day, throughout the day, even for a few minutes, it would change the world if we prayed, meditated or visualized.

You know there is a part of you that is your core, the soul of all you are, whether you acknowledge it or not.  Although you may hate the murderers, terrorists and other religions, if you spend any time at all within your core, you will know that hate is wrong.  Love is the only answer – love and forgiveness.  That’s it.  Real simple.  Maybe not so easy to do.  So like the image says, we must love the world and take care of others, because in the end, we are taking care of ourselves.

This is the time of year when our focus turns to our fellow man.  Sadly, it passes quickly and is not always inclusive of all men.  Would you help a Muslim neighbor or do you give mean looks of suspicion?  Do you feed the dirty, smelly homeless man?  We are ONE – connected by strands of universal energy.  The energy impacting the planet affects our DNA  and moves us closer to mastering our world through our hearts and minds.  Take advantage of this by connecting with your true, loving being and shine your consciousness throughout your life as you walk through the world.  Be present in the moment, that is where the point of power lies. As more and more of humanity express their light, the planet will stabilize and love will shine forth.

Just open your heart.

Chapters of my book are available at Amazon. Please enjoy love and light during this holiday season.  Remember, whatever you do



25 Sep

imagineWe’re in a time and place where energy and action come together.  A solar eclipse September 13, solar flares, solar storms, the equinox and the upcoming super moon lunar eclipse on September 28 are pushing our evolution and transformation.  It is no coincidence that Pope Francis traveled at precisely this time, bringing his humility and love to a starving planet.  I believe he carries a high love vibration and all the people who came in contact with him either in person or on the television/internet have received a serving of grace, real grace.  That energy, that blessing, that love, planted a seed in many hearts that will allow our hearts to crack open and grow into the fullness of collective love on the planet.

That big mystery on why we are here, it’s simple, we are here to make the world a better place and serve others.  Like the Hard Rock Café, love all, serve all!  Simple, but as I have said before, not easy.  It’s really hard to love the people pushing our buttons or terrorists who murder innocent people.  Yes, some people are destined for special tasks, but many of us are here to simply be love wherever we are – and there are millions around the planet now holding the light.  Look at the trending video of the McDonald’s employee who closed his cash register to help a disabled man eat.  We are that McDonald’s employee, our collective heart, and we need to send out a homing signal for those who need our assistance.  Give your time, concern, money, but especially love.  Love isn’t a word for only family and friends, it is for all of humanity.  It is limitless and there is plenty to go around if only we open our hearts.  Send it freely to all the refugees seeking safe haven.

Remember that your thoughts and emotions create reality, so it is imperative that you carry a strong desire for peace and love throughout your life.  If you think I’m crazy, take a course or two in quantum physics and then we’ll talk.  Everything is energy and we are energy and the higher the vibration, the easier to create transformation in our lives and on the planet.

Recent natural phenomena like the 8.3 earthquake in Chile, the erupting volcano in Japan and the increased activity reported by NASA coming from Sagittarius A in the heart of our galaxy demonstrate the transformative energy impacting the planet and which ultimately affects us, our brain, nervous system and DNA.

Reports say that August broke heat records around the planet.  The Inuit people talk about the way their environment has recently changed in this video, evidence of the undeniable change we are experiencing.  So what are you going to do about it?  Yes, you.  We all have a hand in this and the quicker we realize it and start living it, the quicker our planet will transform.  Start by breathing in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth until you have connected with your true core, your true being.  Do it for a few minutes and then, as days go on, do it as much as you like, tapping into the real you, the soul that wears this body, this costume to play act on the stage of life and work out all the lessons we are here to learn or to balance out our actions from lives long past.

impactOnce you connect with your source, you can be that energy in your life and send it out to those around you and the rest of the world.  OUR COLLECTIVE HEART – you are an important part of it and every time you act from love, the energy affects the world.  When you think of terrorists, racists and haters of all kinds, remember what author Russell Brand says, ‘we must love as passionately as they hate, we must love life more than they love death.’

Tap into your center, love all and visualize humanity’s collective heart – a tsunami of love is waiting to happen.  Be part of it.  Sample chapters of my book READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES are available on Amazon.  Contact me for natal charts.  But whatever you do, remember to



18 Jun

brilliant earthNew rules apply.  Energy streaming from the heart of the galaxy, solar flares and the upcoming solstice on June 21 spur on planetary and human evolution.  If you pay any attention to the news, you cannot have missed the recent geological events.  The tremendous 7.9 earthquake in Nepal shifted Mount Everest to the southwest and was followed by a 6.6 earthquake two weeks later.  Recently in a 48 hour period, there were earthquakes up and down the West Coast of the United States, possibly due to an erupting underwater volcano off the coast of Oregon.  There was a 7.0 quake off the coast of Alaska, a 7.8 off the coast of Japan and a 7.4 off the coast of Papua New Guinea.  Seismologists agree that the number of earthquakes has soared and their intensity has dramatically increased.  Two new volcanic islands have appeared in the Red Sea and there are 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia.  Can you imagine?  The ring of fire in the Pacific is reacting to the energies coming into the planet.  The activity is unprecedented.

So new rules apply.  We need to be perceptive to the changes around us and the planet and react accordingly.  Quantum physics shows that we create our own reality and where attention goes, energy flows.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth until you are in a space of peace and focus.  See yourself filled with the light suffusing the planet.  Anchor the light in your core.  It is part of a long-awaited process to lift humanity to a higher, purer frequency of being.  The frequency vibrates with the love and light of God, the universe, source, creation or whatever you name All That Is.  Let the light fill your being and be aware of it.  Work with it. Let it flow in your life and make things easier.  Send it out to those around you and everyone on the planet.

If you can meditate with others, the energy will be exponential.  Send it to Nepal, send it wherever love and aid is needed.  Send it into the crystalline core of the earth and send love and healing to the planet.  Send energy, with ease and grace, to gently release pressure and negativity in the fault system, the volcanic system and our climate around the world.  Do it for five minutes at your desk or workplace.  The more you do it, the more it will become your default way of being.  That’s why you are here. You wanted to assist with this leap in human evolution.  Right now we are experiencing labor pains around the planet as we are pushed to birth a new humanity.  Predictions have included that our galaxy will  traverse an energetic point so intense that the resultant influx of energy will activate pineal glands around the planet, bringing enlightenment.  No matter how the transformation manifests, we will begin to see and feel unlike anything before.  You will soon start to see and feel the transition, if you have not already noticed a change in your life.

Be in nature as much as possible.  In the northern hemisphere we see the first day of summer and the longest day of the live lightyear on June 21.  The solstice opens a portal that allows energy to flood the planet and move us through changes in our lives.  Walk barefoot and connect with the earth’s energy and send her healing.  For those in the southern hemisphere and the first day of winter, go within your being and work with the energy to rebirth your core and let your light shine throughout your life.

Live in the moment. There is no past and no future, only this moment.  Be mindful in every moment that you have a choice.  You have the choice to remain as you are or to embody love and spread it freely.  Simple.  Not easy.  The choice is yours.  Let’s transform this beautiful planet to its highest expression.

Contact me for natal charts/transits,  Sample chapters of my book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES are available at Amazon.  Remember to


The first image is from


17 Mar

cosmosThis week is super-charged with cosmic energy. Potent solar flares began the party last week and March 16/17 saw the last of seven Uranus/Pluto squares which began in 2012. March 20 not only has a Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon, but also the Spring/Fall Equinox depending on your hemisphere – equal day, equal night, finding balance amidst the chaos of a changing world. Those that are tuning into a higher vibration will feel the energy, but even those less attuned will experience the energy if only as anxiety or sleepless nights. Einstein said that cosmic energies affect man. The photons – subatomic particles of light – flooding the planet affect us down to our DNA. They are waking long dormant codes within our DNA and activating the so-called junk DNA. You are a part of the evolution of humanity and have chosen to be here at this auspicious time.

So live up to it. Know that change is easier with the flow of energy than ever before. Work to change your life and you change the whole planet. Be focused in the moment and use the tremendous gift of these vast energies. They are here to root out limiting beliefs and paradigms. They are here to set us free and transform society, including the financial system with its heel on all but the 1%. Governments around the planet are in turmoil and people are crying out for change. Hatred and violence escalate around the globe like a boil coming to a head for release and cleansing. Volcanoes are erupting around the planet as a mirror to this transformation.

Remember that love is the key. It is the force behind the universe and drives our existence. Tap into that force through meditation and visualization. You are not the being who gets up in the morning, drives through rush hour traffic and then mindlessly sits at a desk or goes through other motions throughout the day, only to while away the evening hours with news and television. You are a spiritual being of tremendous love and light here to bring forth a new way of being on the planet. So the burden is on you, and the funny thing is, whether you remember or not, you signed up for it. You fought for the right to be here.

So take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, slowly, mindful of what you are doing. Because quantum physics says our thoughts create reality and we are all just caught up in this 3D matrix of limiting beliefs and patterns. The governments know this for many years and much is done to keep us right where we are in slavery to the economic system and too busy to turn our attention to what really matters – humanity and the environment. Everything governments and corporations do is primed to keep us docile and feeding their power and profits. Once you step out of their grid using meditation and visualization, you will find a power you didn’t even know you have. Try it. I dare you. I dare you to say yes, to transformation, love and a beautiful new future for humanity.

And it all starts with a breath. Just take that deep, slow breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Close your eyes and connect with your true core being where no power holds jurisdiction, only you. Start for a minute, then five, and on and on until you are comfortable and soaring with your true being. See the planet and all her inhabitants being transformed. When you open your eyes, embody the light coming into the planet and hold it as you walk through daily life. See the light coming in through the star chakra above your head and see it flooding your body. Use it during your day as a protection, as a blessing, as a balm. Send it out to other people and the world. The powers that be have no weapons strong enough against the light and love. Nelson Mandela prevailed and non-violence won voting rights after Selma. There are examples around the planet of everyday people changing their world with light and love.

Do it. Start today. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Remember to STEP INTO THE LIGHT!

My book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES is a crash course to the shift in consciousness. Sample chapters are available at Amazon. Contact me for natal charts/transits and how the upcoming eclipses are affecting you.

The image is from .


17 Feb

cosmicI have always loved Stevie Wonder, and last night’s tv program, Stevie Wonder: Songs In The Key Of Life — An All-Star GRAMMY Salute, was no exception.  The music, singers, musicians and, of course, Stevie himself, was a great ride.  But for me, the most moving part of the evening was Stevie’s message at the end of the show.  I have always considered him spiritual with a special message in his music, honoring the intangible side of life.  Stevie said he wanted everyone to know before he left the stage, left the building, left the planet, that he loves us all.  He said even if he doesn’t know us, has never met us or will never meet us, that he still loves us.  Stevie says love is ‘King and Queen’ and the most important thing in life.  He said if we just get clear about love and let it be a part of our life, we can make the world a much better place.  I wrote about love in my book and agree it is the basis of the universe, but it was such a great message going out to millions from diverse backgrounds – planting seeds on fertile ground.

And such fertile ground it is.  So much transformation is occuring on the planet right now, as well as violence and aggression.  Since the beginning of the year there have been numerous solar flares releasing transformative energy that affects us down to our cellular foundation.  During the first week of January there was a burst of energy from a huge black hole at the heart of our Milky Way that was 400 times greater than any prior release.  On January 7, the interplanetary magnetic field tipped and opened a crack in the Earth’s magnetosphere, allowing tremendous solar winds to buffet the planet.  All the cosmic phenomenon funnel energy to the planet which fuels mankind’s evolution.  Research shows that human DNA is mutating and children are born with three strand DNA.  Prime creator/source has set in motion the means by which we are transforming into our higher expression.  You may not believe me, but like it or not, we are evolving.  It’s like getting caught on a moving train and the difference between getting dragged along or hopping onboard and enjoying the ride.  If you have been working with your vibratory rate, you may be sensitive to the energy changes.  If you are new to the idea, you may feel stressed, anxious or not quite right.  But make no mistake, we are all here to move our planet forward to love and light.  Ancient animosities are playing themselves out on the international stage and long-hidden secrets in finance and government are being revealed.  It’s time for many to pay the piper.

What is asked of us is simply to love – like the motto of Hard Rock Cafe, love all, serve all.  It excludes racism, prejudice, hatred and judgment.  It includes love, acceptance and compassion.  It’s as Stevie Wonder said, the sooner we all get the idea of love, the sooner we change the planet.  We can create change through our actions or swiftly by recognizing the quantum quality of life and that our thoughts create reality.  If you have doubts, study quantum physics and be amazed at the new concepts of our reality that scientists continue to find. Take time to meditate and merge with your core being, the essence of who you are, which all too often is buried by the trappings of modern life.  Send love to the planet and everyone on it, see justice and peace prevail.  See it in your mind’s eye. Exercise your pineal gland, your connection to your higher self.  As more energy enters the planet, the faster we vibrate, the higher the frequency, and the closer we are to the fifth dimension where love is energymanifestation becomes our birthright.

So it’s time to take a stance for moving humanity to a beautiful, expansive future for all.  Be love, seed love and be the conduit for God’s energy to unfold on our beautiful planet.  Sample chapters of my book READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES  are available at Amazon.  Message me for information on natal chart readings.  But whatever you do,


First illustration by


2 Dec

new managementCan you feel it? The world is coming to a slow boíl. All the energy of the last months’ planetary movements, eclipses and an onslaught of solar flares, has fed a stew of hatred, love, protest, violence and growth. Sometimes the energy is palpable and affects satellite systems and other technology. In our biomagnetic fields it produces insomnia, headaches, exhilaration. What’s a human to do?

Step away from the media, step away from tv and computer games. Not totally, after all, it is Christmas. Step into connecting with your core self and nature. Authenticity should be the destination with gifting homemade treasures, baked goods, some original poetry and loving gatherings of like-minded spirits. The solstice almost upon us mirrors emerging from the dark into the light. As the dark days end and the days grow longer we embody ever more of pure source energy.

Right now is a magnificent time to harness our powerful soul energy to bring transformation to the planet. Activism is great, but results are limited and the work is much. By unifying into a force of prayer, meditation and using our minds to create reality as proven by quantum physics, we can move mountains. Literally. It’s the difference between building the pyramids effortlessly with levitation and directed thought, or using thousands of men over centuries. It’s your choice. Take time to snuggle in a chair and breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth until you reach that place connected to your true identity. From that place, all things are possible. Fill yourself with energy from prime creator and direct your thoughts to the change you wish to see in the world. Send healing energy to race relations, see all men connecting in love instead of race wars. See the armed conflicts and horrible violence around the world hit the beach like a giant wave and then spend itself and calm. Remember the millions held in slavery around the world even as you read this, and see them free. See the small girls released from prostitution and fear. See healing encompass the planet and see the energy return our human vehicles to their divine blueprint of health. All it takes is a bit of time everyday. In that bit of time it’s possible to send gentle love and healing to the crystalline core of the planet and into the volcanic system, the fault system and the weather system – with ease and grace, always with ease and grace.

As more and more photon light comes into the planet, our thoughts become ever more powerful. The light from solar flares and eclipses triggers codes long dormant in our DNA. The activation in our DNA begins to awaken neural pathways, healing and awareness. Watch your pineal gland. Fluoride is lethal and damages the body as well as calcifies the pineal which hinders spiritual evolution. Fluoride is implicated in Alzheimer’s. Avoid it at all costs. Get natural toothpaste and just say no when the dentist wants to flood your mouth with fluoride. Be part of the process. Take herbs and eat foods that support the clearing of your pineal. When you are in meditation, see a large drop of golden light bathing the small gland which resembles an acorn. See the light descend to your heart and then return to your pineal gland creating a figure eight, the symbol of eternity. Run the energy in the figure eight between your pineal and heart as long as you feel comfortable, five minutes, five hours. It will illuminate your true being and make it easier to get around in the world, so you are in it, not of it. solsticeAnd all the time you will feel a deeper connection with those around you. Your being will soar and your joy will be expansive. A small price to pay for some breathing and focus, no?

Duality on the planet is going through the death throes before we experience a new way of being, to clear a path for the evolution of humanity. It’s always the darkest right before the dawn. Know you are here to assist transformation and that you are integral to the process. When you raise your frequency, you raise everyone else as well. Fill yourself with the love and light streaming from the heart of our galaxy. Spread it around as you go through your day. Send it to those around you and the rest of the world – the homeless man on the corner, the road rage guy on your daily commute, the rude store clerk and anyone and everyone. Have some fun, see it as gold dust and that you’re sprinkling it freely as you go about your life. Yeah, maybe sounds goofy or corny, but it is the truest law of the universe, everything is energy and we can command it with our focus.

My book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES, is a crash course to the shift in consciousness. Take a look at sample chapters at Amazon. Enjoy this beautiful, sacred holiday season and become one with spirit. As always,



16 Sep


PEACE. It’s on a lot of minds these days. I have put off writing this because I know it will be controversial, but as Oprah has her ‘What I Know For Sure’ page in her magazine, this is what I know for sure.

I know that the only way we will have peace in the world is by love and acceptance. Simple, yet the hardest thing on the planet to accomplish. Yes, it’s easy if you are loving babies, children, the sick and old people. Not so easy if you must love the ISIS fiend who is beheading innocent people. Give that a run around your brain. What did she just say? I should love that m………. f………. that is cutting off heads? Yes. And there’s the rub.

We are all ONE. I am you and you are me. Quantum physics says we are all energy, all connected – whether you like it or not. Right now we are spirit having a physical experience, consciousness trying out new things. In order to create peace, we must be peace, live peace, think peace. You, me, everyone. So you say, I am a peaceful person, I don’t fight with anyone. Ah, but examine your life. Really examine your life. Don’t you just hate that old guy across the street that parks exactly where it makes it hard for you to get out of your driveway, or that strange guy at work that likes heavy metal, or that snotty cashier at the grocery store, or your stupid brother-in-law, or the father that beat you, or the priest that abused you or the pedophile with a registered sex offender sign on his house or I could go on and on. And I didn’t leave your family and neighborhood yet, much less start traveling the world and thinking about all the ‘different’ and sometimes violent people out there. And maybe hate is too a strong a word, but even dislike is enough to create discord.

So can you do it? Can you raise your frequency enough to be love and love the unlovable? Can you imagine what kind of atmosphere and experiences caused a man such hatred to take a knife and keep sawing away at another man’s neck to take his life? Can you understand why someone would fire a missile at a plane full of tourists causing death, destruction and incredible grief? Can you imagine forgiving those men and sending them love? Because that is what you must do. Forgive the unforgivable. Love every being on the planet – that’s all it takes.

I have been doing it for a while, so it comes easier for me. Although there are times when expletives leave my mouth about things I see on the news or read on the internet, until I regain my balance. We must love all without, of course, condoning their barbarity. And the world is full of barbarity right now. It never stops. And yet we are so powerful, beings of amazing light and love. All we have to do is connect with our core being, our soul, our humanity that can create music that lets our spirit soar or art that can move us to tears. We must connect with our true being and just be it – carry love in our hearts for all, be compassion and understanding, free of judgment.

And when you watch the news and see horrible things, forgive the offender and send love and light. It is the only way. Try it for a day. Do it when your ego starts to gripe about someone, Jews, Arabs, blacks, Neo-Nazis or anyone else. One day on the internet, there was a post of a small Palestinian child who had been blown in two during a bomb attack and his father was standing beside him, grief-stricken. It is something I will never be able to erase from my mind. It is evil and it is wrong and it can be stopped. We have the power – prayer, meditation, visualization and love. Be love, send love around the world when you wake in the morning, throughout the day and before you sleep at night. Send love to ISIS and all terrorists, gangsters, pedophiles. If enough of us do it every day, the light will create massive change on the planet. Share this blog. Even if you think I’m crazy, give it a try, because it doesn’t cost anything. And as you go on it will become easier and automatic.peace love

I am you and you are me and we are them.


You can find my book, READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES, on Amazon and I do natal charts to explain the prevalent energies in your life and how best to deal with them. Contact me at  Like my book page on Facebook.


25 Jul

lovingI haven’t blogged in a while. I sat back and observed the energy carrying us through our evolution. And it’s been a doozy, with the Summer Solstice, class X solar flares, powerful earthquakes, plane crashes and dicey diplomatic situations involving military action.

No one said planetary shift would be easy. We are seeing the death throes of finite third dimensional life while higher dimensional frequencies birth and transmute. We are the caterpillar morphing into the butterfly, not quite there yet and wondering what the hell is going on.

As I have said many times before, we hold the key. Yes we do. Yes you do. Read about quantum physics and what the research has uncovered. It is one more piece of the puzzle to the amazing creation we inhabit. Our thoughts create reality, so it is of the highest importance that our thoughts and emotions center on the most benevolent outcome for ourselves and humanity.

You know how much of your day is spent griping or grouchy or worried. That energy is, literally, a downer. Low vibrations attract more low vibrations. It is that simple. So lift yourself up. Don’t dwell on the horrific news stories. Instead, pray or send healing light to them. Send solace, love and healing to the souls that made such an unexpected transition when the Malaysian airliner was shot down. Send the same to their grieving families and the recovery workers traumatized by collecting corpses and body parts. See Israel and Palestine reaching a peace agreement. See the same for Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria. Send love, always send love.

Spend time each day tuning into your core being, connecting with the real you, the light-filled playful spirit that you embodied as a child. It is there. You will find it buried below years of stress, disappointment, worries and the trappings of our 21st century lives including the high-tech gizmos we use every day.

Learn to be in the moment. It’s simple, though not easy. Our point of power is in the moment because there is no past and no future – only this very moment that you are reading this. And in this moment you can decide to create change in your life and on our beautiful planet. See the changes you seek in your mind’s eye and feel them in every fiber of your being. Let go of everything that no longer serves you and know that God/pure source energy/the universe is fueling our evolution to a higher expression of our humanity.

There is no way to believe that we are meant to stay where we are as a race, to believe that we have attained our highest good. Every day I read about atrocities on the internet, many involving cruelty to animals. I send the offenders love, light and forgiveness that they may use the light as appropriate. Every soul is here to learn and experience at its own pace. The process must unfold according to each being’s needs.

Although many people have turned to the light and embody unity consciousness as they live their lives, so many people do not. I read much from different Lightworkers, as well as channeled material and see what resonates. Many say that there will be a cosmic ‘event’ that will awaken the planet in just a moment’s time. I suppose anything is possible in this majestic universe that we live in. I read repeatedly that scientists are concerned as the planet’s magnetic field is weakening at a pace that is unheard of. Possibly when we get to zero point and the magnetic field reverses, our pineal glands will activate and we will use our entire brain and create a heretofore unknown coherence among humanity. I think many people will be unable to fathom the truths of our existence and for many it will be quite challenging.

There is so much that is hidden from us. Religions create ritual and dogma which control people and cut them off from their true spirituality which is inclusive, not divisive. Extraterrestrial races have been visiting the planet for eons, yet the truth is hidden by cover-ups and black ops activities. Read Dr. Steven Greer’s book, Hidden Truth:Forbidden Knowledge. Greer is the director of CSETI and has had encounters with our space brothers. A network of pyramids exists around the planet on every continent. They are covered with vegetation, protecting their secrets. And the construction is dated back much farther than the supposed dawn of civilization, about 30,000 years ago. So who built them and to what purpose? Looks like they were part of a huge energy grid, providing optimum energy for growing crops and for healing. And I have seen many reports of artifacts being found inside huge lumps of coal, a small brass bell or tools.The coal was dated to 300 million years ago! So how did the bell get there? Did man have an advanced civilization that long ago that was wiped out? Was it an alien civilization? Or did someone time travel and drop the bell or tool there? Sounds crazy, but it’s true. Mainstream archeology doesn’t accept any of it and so all that information tends to be swept under the carpet to be forgotten. It appears our planet has an incredibly long and rich history that I hope will be revealed some day.

rumiMeanwhile, the best we can do is anchor photon energy flooding the planet from the solar flares and parts of our galaxy. The photons are sub-atomic particles of light and are driving our evolution. Tune into a quiet space at least once a day and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth until you have connected with your center. See the highest good for yourself and the planet. Envision healing for any situation you feel necessary. We are here in service to the planet and humanity. We checked the box and were born for a purpose. So many people ask, ‘why am I here?’ You are here as an expression of love – you are here to make a difference. Start looking for ways every day to make that happen. When you do, your energy expands, your frequency rises and you join the flow of the universe to become a positive source of change for you and the planet.

I do natal charts with transits/progressions by phone/Skype for $50. The call lasts one hour and gives you an idea of the energy affecting your life for the next year. Astrology cannot make your decisions for you, but it helps you make informed decisions. Email me at Sample chapters of my book, Ready Or Not Here It Comes, a guide to personal and planetary transformation, are available at Amazon.

The sand is running through the hourglass and time is short. Make every moment count and remember to