25 Sep

imagineWe’re in a time and place where energy and action come together.  A solar eclipse September 13, solar flares, solar storms, the equinox and the upcoming super moon lunar eclipse on September 28 are pushing our evolution and transformation.  It is no coincidence that Pope Francis traveled at precisely this time, bringing his humility and love to a starving planet.  I believe he carries a high love vibration and all the people who came in contact with him either in person or on the television/internet have received a serving of grace, real grace.  That energy, that blessing, that love, planted a seed in many hearts that will allow our hearts to crack open and grow into the fullness of collective love on the planet.

That big mystery on why we are here, it’s simple, we are here to make the world a better place and serve others.  Like the Hard Rock Café, love all, serve all!  Simple, but as I have said before, not easy.  It’s really hard to love the people pushing our buttons or terrorists who murder innocent people.  Yes, some people are destined for special tasks, but many of us are here to simply be love wherever we are – and there are millions around the planet now holding the light.  Look at the trending video of the McDonald’s employee who closed his cash register to help a disabled man eat.  We are that McDonald’s employee, our collective heart, and we need to send out a homing signal for those who need our assistance.  Give your time, concern, money, but especially love.  Love isn’t a word for only family and friends, it is for all of humanity.  It is limitless and there is plenty to go around if only we open our hearts.  Send it freely to all the refugees seeking safe haven.

Remember that your thoughts and emotions create reality, so it is imperative that you carry a strong desire for peace and love throughout your life.  If you think I’m crazy, take a course or two in quantum physics and then we’ll talk.  Everything is energy and we are energy and the higher the vibration, the easier to create transformation in our lives and on the planet.

Recent natural phenomena like the 8.3 earthquake in Chile, the erupting volcano in Japan and the increased activity reported by NASA coming from Sagittarius A in the heart of our galaxy demonstrate the transformative energy impacting the planet and which ultimately affects us, our brain, nervous system and DNA.

Reports say that August broke heat records around the planet.  The Inuit people talk about the way their environment has recently changed in this video, evidence of the undeniable change we are experiencing.  So what are you going to do about it?  Yes, you.  We all have a hand in this and the quicker we realize it and start living it, the quicker our planet will transform.  Start by breathing in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth until you have connected with your true core, your true being.  Do it for a few minutes and then, as days go on, do it as much as you like, tapping into the real you, the soul that wears this body, this costume to play act on the stage of life and work out all the lessons we are here to learn or to balance out our actions from lives long past.

impactOnce you connect with your source, you can be that energy in your life and send it out to those around you and the rest of the world.  OUR COLLECTIVE HEART – you are an important part of it and every time you act from love, the energy affects the world.  When you think of terrorists, racists and haters of all kinds, remember what author Russell Brand says, ‘we must love as passionately as they hate, we must love life more than they love death.’

Tap into your center, love all and visualize humanity’s collective heart – a tsunami of love is waiting to happen.  Be part of it.  Sample chapters of my book READY OR NOT HERE IT COMES are available on Amazon.  Contact me for natal charts.  But whatever you do, remember to



  1. Birgitta September 25, 2015 at 7:11-05:0009 #

    Very nice Chris. Thank you for your positive and uplifting words.

  2. Ready Or Not Here It Comes September 25, 2015 at 7:11-05:0009 #

    so glad it resonates with you, Birgitta!

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